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  • Mumbai, India
  • +91- 9930225727 / 9930223361

Our Clients

  • Jackson Walker LLP

    Insurance and investment financial services

    A client of the Jackson Walker (JW) law firm was ordered to produce documents that required review of nearly 750,000 documents, 30 terabytes of data.

  • Sportsman's Warehouse

    Engage their fans

    FTI Consulting was retained to help design and implement a plan of the whole reorganization for Sportsman’s Warehouse, which included closing.

  • TXCO Resources

    Valuable connection & strengthen relationships with their community

    However, due to a faltering economy in 2007 and tightening credit, Sportsman’s Warehouse faced declining sales and became highly leveraged.

  • Liquidation Trustee

    Needed a content marketing software

    Founded in 1996, Sportsman’s Warehouse grew to 67 stores nationally with more than $700 million in annual sales.

  • Alaska Airlines

    Insurance and investment financial services

    Expert witness and trial services in regard to the largest reported Ponzi scheme in U.S. history.

  • Costco Wholesale

    Streamline the content creation & distribution process

    Provide global investigative fact gathering, forensic accounting, complex finance and enterprise data analytics, certain electronic discovery.

  • Compassion International

    Continue the engagement & sustain their audience

    In this historic and internationally publicized case, FTI Consulting was retained by the liquidation trustee of Investment Securities.
